ODILE⁺ × Media
Empowered Teams Podcast
What's wrong with Data Litter-acy?

What's wrong with Data Litter-acy?

Empowered Teams Podcast

► Navigating the data literacy maze: Unveil strategies for a data-driven future.

In this riveting discussion, we decode the complexities of data literacy, redefining its role in the modern workplace, and introducing an innovative approach that gamifies the learning experience. Brace yourself for some paradigm shifts as we navigate the world of data-driven decision making, debunk common misconceptions, and reveal strategies for fostering an inclusive, data-savvy culture.

ODILE⁺ × Media
Empowered Teams Podcast
🎙️ Transforming your people into badass empowered teams!
👥 We are thought leaders focused on empowering teams, leaders, and coaches to meet the challenges of disruptive technologies and accelerating change impacting organizations across the world.
🌐 Learn more at https://playcinq.com !